Certified Hug Therapist

Sue's Credentials and Accreditations

Accredited Family Child Care Program City of Madison Accreditation, Accrediting Agency—Satellite Family Child Care Network. Always ahead of its time, the City of Madison began accrediting family child care homes over 20 years ago. Accrediting criteria is based on several contexts including environment, provider training, interactions with children and family based services. The City of Madison Accreditation Standards formed the basis for the accreditation standards used by the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC). The accreditation process for providers includes meeting standards, several initial observations by accreditation representatives and ongoing compliance with accreditation standards.

Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential awarded in 1994 by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition located in Washington, D.C. There are five required criteria to complete a CDA credential. They include 120+ hours of early childhood training, 480+ hours of early childhood experience, completion of a resource file, writing of six competency statements, and a written test and oral interview with a council consultant.

CDA Advisor status awarded in 1995. A CDA advisor provides technical assistance for compensation to child care providers seeking the CDA credential.

Infant/Toddler Credential awarded in November, 2002. Child Care Administration Credential awarded in 2007. Both credentials are for providers who wish to improve their expertise in the care of young children and management of early childhood programs. The credentials have been developed by Wisconsin Based Registry for Child Care Workers, which is nationally recognized for its contribution in creating programs for training and assessment of child care workers. Child care workers who complete credentialing programs have completed no less than 12 college credits, a series of observations and professional program assessments, and a personal portfolio on the basis of standardized, professional criteria. They have also participated in a commission process sponsored by the Registry.

Prevention of SIDS in Child Care and Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)—Trainer of family child care providers and center staff for state mandated training in procedures for prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Shaken Baby Syndrome.

NAFCC (National Association for Family Child Care) Accreditation Observer status completed in May, 2001. NAFCC accreditation observers function as representatives/observers for family child care providers seeking validation in the accreditation process.

Mentor to potential child care provider candidates in 4-C Mentor/Protege Federally Funded Project in 1999. Mentors must be accredited, CDA credentialed family child care providers. As part of the project, mentors completed six credit hours in early childhood and mentor training and provided on-the-job training for proteges.

Bachelor of Science Degree achieved from Central Michigan University in 1979. Major emphasis: Interpersonal and Public Communications; Minor emphasis: Business Administration and Mathematics

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certificate achieved in 2003 from Madison Area Technical College.

Training Required by State Licensing